Denfeld High School Class of 1963
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Denfeld High School Class of 1963 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 29
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.  Be sure to check our other Looking Back galleries to view photos of elementary and junior high classes.

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F-4C on the flight line – Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 6050

F-4C on the flight line – Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 5865

F-4C’s on the flight line – Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 5796

Ship Canal Before Ferry Bridge
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5917

Kirby Student Center, Fall of 65 Bill Tasky and Maybe Clyde Ritchie. Is that Louie Doering on the right? Send Info If You Are In This Picture!!
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5870

WEBC Fab Forty
Posted By: Administration
Views: 5804

Peggy Rudberg - My 9th Birthday Party. Seated with cake, Peggy Rudberg. Clockwise: Carla St. Marie (Glenn's older sister), Kathy Lockhart Top Row: Ann Palomo, Sharon Rudberg (Peggy's sister, Cla...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5857

Garry Hawkinson, (the larger of the two in this photo.)
Posted By: BH
Views: 5861

Bill Homewood - sometime during the mid 60's.
Posted By: BH
Views: 5729

Remember the train ride at Fairmont Park?
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5719

Russ Georgesen - Public Health Lab - Miller Dwan 1978
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5820

Canal Park before Canal Park Inn - Ferry Bridge (Aerial Bridge - Pre 1900)
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5651

At Boy Scout Camp, (I think), sometime during the black and white picture days. Bob Hendrickson, Bill Eklund, Bill Homewood & Tom Marion.
Posted By: BH
Views: 5780

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