Hey everyone...On the 21st of Sept 2011 a number of us met down at Marcia Hale's place on Park Point and talked about the big 50th Re-union coming up in 2013. The planning is well underway and we even have a meeting scheduled to finalize some things...(Oct 5, at 5PM) you are all invited... Marcia always has great food and of course great classmates will be there too.
In case you can't make it...think about this: now that you are retired or close to it...and the kids are gone...and instead of cutting grass you hire it and find yourself with all this time, why not earmark a bit of that time to helping with the computer stuff concerning the website. You don't have to be in town, we'll supply information for updating etc. All you have to do is get it on this site. If you even have a little teenie bit of time...e-mail me, alanjarl1@gmail.com Thank you and have a good day...(Paul Harvey always says that)